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The Neurobagel Query Tool

Neurobagel's query tool is a web interface for searching across a Neurobagel graph based on various subject clinical-demographic and imaging parameters.

The query tool is a React application, developed in TypeScript using a variety of tools including Vite, Cypress, and MUI.


The query tool is hosted at and interfaces with Neurobagel federation API.

Local Installation

To run the query tool locally, you have two options:

  1. Use our docker image
  2. Do a manual install from the cloned git repo.

but before proceeding with either you need to set the environment variables.

Mandatory configuration

Environment variable Type Required Default value if not set Example
NB_API_QUERY_URL string Yes -
NB_QUERY_APP_BASE_PATH string No / /query/
NB_ENABLE_AUTH boolean No false false
NB_QUERY_CLIENT_ID string Yes (if NB_ENABLE_AUTH is set to true) - ""
NB_QUERY_HEADER_SCRIPT string No "" '<script defer data-domain="mydomain" src="plausible">'


You'll need to set the NB_API_QUERY_URL environment variable required to run the query tool. NB_API_QUERY_URL is the Neurobagel API URL that the query tool uses to send requests to for results.


If you are using a custom configuration where the query tool is accessible via a path other than the root (/), you need to set the NB_QUERY_APP_BASE_PATH to your custom path. This ensures that the query tool is correctly rendered and accessible at the specified URL


If the API you'd like to send queries to requires authentication, you need to set NB_ENABLE_AUTH to true as it is false by default. This will enable authentication flow of the app.


If the NB_ENABLE_AUTH is set to true (it is false by default), you need to provide a valid client ID for the authentication. At the moment, query tool uses Google for authentication, so you need to obtain a client ID from Google developer console. See documentation for more information.


If you want to add a custom script to the header of the query tool, you can set the NB_QUERY_HEADER_SCRIPT environment variable to the script you want to add. This script will be added to the header of the query tool. For example, in our production deployment we use the GDPR aware analytics tool Plausible, so we set the NB_QUERY_HEADER_SCRIPT to the script provided by Plausible. When you use this variable, make sure you use single quotes to include the script like so:

NB_QUERY_HEADER_SCRIPT='<script defer data-domain="mydomain" src="plausible">'

Set the environment variables

To set environment variables, create a .env file in the root directory and add the environment variables there. If you're running a neurobagel node-API locally on your machine (following the instructions here), your .env file would look something like this:


if you're using the remote api, your .env file would look something like this:


if you're using a remote api with authentication, your .env file would look something like this:


⚠ The protocol matters here. If you wish to use the Neurobagel remote API, ensure your NB_API_QUERY_URL uses https instead of http.

Docker installation

To obtain the query tool docker image, simply run the following command in your terminal:

docker pull neurobagel/query_tool:latest

This Docker image includes the latest release of the query tool and a minimal http server to serve the static tool.

To launch the query tool Docker container and pass in the .env file you have created, simply run

docker run -p 5173:5173 --env-file=.env neurobagel/query_tool:latest

Then you can access the query tool at http://localhost:5173

Note: the query tool is listening on port 5173 inside the docker container, replace port 5173 by the port you would like to expose to the host. For example if you'd like to run the tool on port 8000 of your machine you can run the following command:

docker run -p 8000:5173 --env-file=.env neurobagel/query_tool:latest

Manual installation

To install the query tool directly, you'll need node package manager (npm) and Node.js. You can find the instructions on installing npm and node in the official documentation.

Once you have npm and node installed, you'll need to install the dependencies outlined in the package.json file. You can do so by running the following command:

npm install

To launch the tool in developer mode run the following command:

npm run dev

You can also build and then run the tool from (production) build of the application by running the following command:

npm run build && npm run preview

You can verify the tool is running by watching for the` info messages from Vite regarding environment, rendering, and what port the tool is running on in your terminal.

Developer setup

Having installed the dependencies, run the following command to enable husky pre-commit and post-merge hooks:

npx husky init
Docker compose testing environment for development

Since the query tool relies on other neurobagel tools to function, their presence is often required during development. To facilitate this, a docker compose containing a complete testing environment has been created. To use it follow the steps below:

  1. Install recipes and neurobagel_examples submodules:
git submodule init
git submodule update
  1. Pull the latest images and bring up the stack using the test profile:
docker compose --profile test pull && docker compose --profile test up -d

NOTE: Make sure your .env file in the root directory doesn't contain any of the environment variables used in the docker compose file as it will conflict with the configuration, since docker compose will try to use .env by default.


To define a cohort, set your inclusion criteria using the following:

  • Age: Minimum and/or maximum age (in years) of participant that should be included in the results.
  • Sex: Sex of participant that should be included in the results.
  • Diagnosis: Diagnosis of participant that should be included in the results
  • Healthy control: Whether healthy participants should be included in the results. Once healthy control checkbox is selected, diagnosis field will be disabled since a participant cannot be both a healthy control and have a diagnosis.
  • Minimum number of imaging sessions: Minimum number of imaging sessions that participant should have to be included in the results.
  • Minimum number of phenotypic sessions: Minimum number of phenotypic sessions that participant should have to be included in the results.
  • Assessment tool: Non-imaging assessment completed by participant that should be included in the results.
  • Imaging modality: Imaging modality of participant scans that should be included in the results.
  • Pipeline name: Name of the pipeline used to process subject scans.
  • Pipeline version: Version of the pipeline used to process subject scans.

Once you've defined your criteria, submit them as a query and the query tool will display the results.\

Downloading query results

For a given query, there are two formats of query results that users can download as a TSV file. At least one dataset matching the query must be selected in the results panel in order to download the query results.

Harmonized TSV data with descriptive labels

The default TSV available for download describes the available harmonized attributes and metadata for subjects matching the query, from the (selected) matching datasets. Harmonized data are provided as standardized vocabulary-derived labels for readability.

Each row corresponds to a single matching subject session, except for datasets configured to only return aggregate results.

Example query result TSV
DatasetName PortalURI NumMatchingSubjects SubjectID SessionID ImagingSessionPath SessionType NumMatchingPhenotypicSessions NumMatchingImagingSessions Age Sex Diagnosis Assessment SessionImagingModalities SessionCompletedPipelines DatasetImagingModalities DatasetPipelines
Balloon Analog Risk-taking Task 10 protected protected protected protected protected protected protected protected protected protected protected protected Flow Weighted,T1 Weighted,T2 Weighted nan
BIDS synthetic 2 sub-01 ses-01 /data/neurobagel/bagel-cli/bids-examples/synthetic/sub-01/ses-01 Imaging 2 2 nan nan nan nan T1 Weighted,Flow Weighted fmriprep 23.1.3,freesurfer 7.3.2 Flow Weighted,T1 Weighted fmriprep 23.1.3,freesurfer 7.3.2
BIDS synthetic 2 sub-01 ses-01 nan Phenotypic 2 2 34.1 female nan, nan nan Flow Weighted,T1 Weighted fmriprep 23.1.3,freesurfer 7.3.2
BIDS synthetic 2 sub-01 ses-02 /data/neurobagel/bagel-cli/bids-examples/synthetic/sub-01/ses-02 Imaging 2 2 nan nan nan nan T1 Weighted,Flow Weighted nan Flow Weighted,T1 Weighted fmriprep 23.1.3,freesurfer 7.3.2
BIDS synthetic 2 sub-01 ses-02 nan Phenotypic 2 2 35.3 female nan, nan nan Flow Weighted,T1 Weighted fmriprep 23.1.3,freesurfer 7.3.2
BIDS synthetic 2 sub-04 ses-01 /data/neurobagel/bagel-cli/bids-examples/synthetic/sub-04/ses-01 Imaging 2 2 nan nan nan nan T1 Weighted,Flow Weighted nan Flow Weighted,T1 Weighted fmriprep 23.1.3,freesurfer 7.3.2
BIDS synthetic 2 sub-04 ses-01 nan Phenotypic 2 2 21.1 female nan nan nan Flow Weighted,T1 Weighted fmriprep 23.1.3,freesurfer 7.3.2
BIDS synthetic 2 sub-04 ses-02 /data/neurobagel/bagel-cli/bids-examples/synthetic/sub-04/ses-02 Imaging 2 2 nan nan nan nan T1 Weighted,Flow Weighted nan Flow Weighted,T1 Weighted fmriprep 23.1.3,freesurfer 7.3.2
BIDS synthetic 2 sub-04 ses-02 nan Phenotypic 2 2 22.3 female nan, nan nan Flow Weighted,T1 Weighted fmriprep 23.1.3,freesurfer 7.3.2
Classification learning 10 protected protected protected protected protected protected protected protected protected protected protected protected Flow Weighted,T1 Weighted,T2 Weighted nan

Columns in the TSV are described below: * = required values

Column name Description
DatasetName * name of the dataset
PortalURI URL to a website or page about the dataset
NumMatchingSubjects * (dataset-level) total number of subjects matching the query in the dataset
SubjectID * subject label
SessionID * session label
ImagingSessionPath (imaging sessions only) path to the session directory, or subject directory if only one session exists. Either an absolute path from the filesystem root where the dataset is stored, or a relative path from the dataset root for DataLad datasets.
SessionType * type of data acquired in the session, either ImagingSession or PhenotypicSession. Represents the nature of data being described, without denoting specific time or visits. e.g., A session in which both imaging and non-imaging data were acquired would be represented by separate rows, one per type.
Age subject age
Sex subject sex
Diagnosis list of diagnoses for subject
Assessment list of assessments completed by subject
NumMatchingPhenotypicSessions * (subject-level) total number of phenotypic sessions for the subject which match the query
NumMatchingImagingSessions * (subject-level) total number of imaging sessions for the subject which match the query
SessionImagingModalities (imaging sessions only) imaging modalities acquired in the session
SessionCompletedPipelines (imaging sessions only) processing pipelines completed for the session
DatasetImagingModalities (dataset-level) imaging modalities acquired in at least one session in the dataset
DatasetPipelines (dataset-level) processing pipelines completed for at least one session in the dataset

Harmonized TSV data with URIs

A machine-optimized version of the query results, containing URIs instead of descriptive labels for harmonized attributes and metadata of matching subjects, is also available for download as a TSV.

Each row corresponds to a single matching subject session, except for datasets configured to only return aggregate results.

Example query result TSV
DatasetName PortalURI NumMatchingSubjects SubjectID SessionID ImagingSessionPath SessionType NumMatchingPhenotypicSessions NumMatchingImagingSessions Age Sex Diagnosis Assessment SessionImagingModalities SessionCompletedPipelines DatasetImagingModalities DatasetPipelines
Balloon Analog Risk-taking Task 10 protected protected protected protected protected protected protected protected protected protected protected protected,, nan
BIDS synthetic 2 sub-01 ses-01 /data/neurobagel/bagel-cli/bids-examples/synthetic/sub-01/ses-01 2 2 nan nan nan nan, 23.1.3, 7.3.2, 23.1.3, 7.3.2
BIDS synthetic 2 sub-01 ses-01 nan 2 2 34.1 nan, nan nan, 23.1.3, 7.3.2
BIDS synthetic 2 sub-01 ses-02 /data/neurobagel/bagel-cli/bids-examples/synthetic/sub-01/ses-02 2 2 nan nan nan nan, nan, 23.1.3, 7.3.2
BIDS synthetic 2 sub-01 ses-02 nan 2 2 35.3 nan, nan nan, 23.1.3, 7.3.2
BIDS synthetic 2 sub-04 ses-01 /data/neurobagel/bagel-cli/bids-examples/synthetic/sub-04/ses-01 2 2 nan nan nan nan, nan, 23.1.3, 7.3.2
BIDS synthetic 2 sub-04 ses-01 nan 2 2 21.1 nan nan nan, 23.1.3, 7.3.2
BIDS synthetic 2 sub-04 ses-02 /data/neurobagel/bagel-cli/bids-examples/synthetic/sub-04/ses-02 2 2 nan nan nan nan, nan, 23.1.3, 7.3.2
BIDS synthetic 2 sub-04 ses-02 nan 2 2 22.3 nan, nan nan, 23.1.3, 7.3.2
Classification learning 10 protected protected protected protected protected protected protected protected protected protected protected protected,, nan

This file contains the same columns and data as the descriptive query results TSV. However, the harmonized terms in the following columns are provided in their raw URI form instead of as descriptive labels:

Column name

protected subject-level results for aggregate datasets


For examples of aggregated matching dataset results, see the last rows of the example query result TSV in the previous two sections.

A row in a query result TSV may show protected for all columns except for DatasetName, PortalURI, and other dataset-level columns. This means the source graph database (node) has been configured (via its corresponding Neurobagel node API) to return only aggregate information about matching subjects e.g., for data privacy reasons.

More information on this configuration setting, called NB_RETURN_AGG, and how to change it for a node can be found here.


The query tool utilizes Cypress framework for testing.

To run the tests execute the following command:

npx cypress open


The query tool is released under the terms of the MIT License